Marc Thomas is an independent author and poet living in Savannah, Georgia.
After getting to know some independent authors, I have decided to be my own publisher, and have established RUMINATING POET PRESS to do just that, publish and sell my own poetry.
My first two books of poetry were both published in 2024 and are available through the links on the Works page.
When I get asked what kind of poetry I write, it is hard to answer. As to form, mostly free verse, a lot of haiku, but I am trying to learn more about more formal practices. My poems are ruminations about life, language, philosophy, weather, nature, birds, the books I read, and how to live.
Marc recently published a play through Ruminating Poet Press based on his COVID poems, Listening to the Survivors.
He is working on a book of haiku, Wetlands: Low Country Haiku, and hopes to release it by this summer.
You can learn more about me at the Biography page.